- High reliability as no semiconductor/ moving parts use.
- Provide sine wave output irrespective of the quality of input wave shape.
- Instantaneous voltage regulation.
- output highly isolated from mains for suppression of transients &spikes.
- Shot-term overload capacity.
- intrinsic current limiting & short circuit protection.
- High input voltage control range for load less than the rated load
- Place the CVT away from equipment and all magnetic display and storage devices like diskettes monitors tapes etc.
- It is safer to connect CVT to mains supply through a 3pin socket ensuring thereby the availability of proper earth connections.
- Switch on the CVT first then the attached peripherals and while switching off attached peripherals first and then the CVT
- In the case of the supply from a generator, CVT is not to be used if frequency variation is beyond 50+/ihz
- Switch off the CVT when not in use